The Chiaroscuro project

What are we looking for ?

With the discovery in 2012 of a new scalar particle consistent to date with the Standard Model (SM) Higgs boson and the absence of observation of other new particle, particle physics is at a turning point of its history. There are compelling arguments that physics beyond SM must exist but we have not found a direct sign of its existence. Since there are no theoretical guidelines to infer the new physics energy scale, the balance is now towards building experimental facts.

How ?

We focus on indirect searches via the precise study of b→sl+l− and b→dl+l− Flavour Changing Neutral Currents transitions which is one of the most powerful tools to search for non-SM physics. We use the very large amount of data which will be recorded by the LHCb experiment to investigate the properties of the poorly known b→se+e− and b→dl+l− decays. A summary of the Feynman graphs of the decays of interested are shown in the Figure below.

The project is organised into three distinct work packages (WP):

  • WP1: access to unexplored territories in b→se+e− transitions
  • WP2: optimisation and calibration of the electron reconstruction
  • WP3: exploring b→dl+l− transitions